Programmers’ Club

Due to my blatant SEO hacking ProgClub has finally made it to page 3 of search results for programmers’ club. Go team! :)

ProgClub aspires to be *the* Programmers’ Club. So first we get page 3, then we get page 1, then we get first result. Sound like a good plan?

You can help by blogging about ProgClub or linking to our Programmers’ Club page from your blog or your web-site. The text of your link should be “Programmers’ Club”, and you should link to the’_Club page.

p.s. We’re on page 2 for good programmers’ club and we’re on page 2 for the programmers’ club (page 1 in Australia: the programmers’ club).

p.p.s. I posted some more information on how I went about the SEO process.

p.p.p.s. I followed up with some more commentary about the best way to link to ProgClub.

Google Chrome FTW


Now I know jj5 won’t like this post. But I was hoping for some feedback from other progclub members..

Am I a total noob? It’s clearly the fastest browser, it gives you the best scope to work with by using the omnibar (search bar and url typer-iner), it also has awesome plugins, themes, and it uses hardly any resources compared with MS.

Is anyone else a hater, and why? I’m telling you guys, it’s the BEST browser.

Google Chrome FTW


I posted to the talk page on Wikipedia regarding phrases from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and said:

I think that Adams was saying that the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is that it’s “for two”. Life’s not much if you’re not sharing it with someone. I think he wanted you to figure this out for yourself, which is why he denied the number had any significance. He was a genius.

jj5 (talk) 04:18, 1 September 2011 (UTC)

I have the feeling that some shmuck is going to end up deleting my comment though, so figured I’d post it over here on my blog where it will be safe from deletion.

That Adams’s quote lends itself so readily to this profound interpretation I think is testament to the fact that he intended it, even if he did deny it. If it’s a coincidence, it is a remarkable and beautiful one.