INFO: task dpkg:27497 blocked for more than 120 seconds.

I’ve been getting this error from time to time on my Ubuntu server:

 INFO: task dpkg:27497 blocked for more than 120 seconds.

I did some research and it turns out this is related to a bug in the dpkg system, and apparently it’s been fixed already (but not rolled out as part of Ubuntu yet).

Look forward to the fixed being rolled out, because the implication of the bug at the moment is that my system can hang for long periods of time while I’m installing software with apt-get.

Postfix Virtual Mailboxes and Procmail Filtering

Am interested in getting procmail to work with my Postfix/Courier setup. Am using virtual domains/aliases/mailboxes stored in a MySQL database and a Maildir file system. Have only just begun my investigations. So far I’ve found:

Security considerations for find

Read about the security considerations for find. Find is a *nix tool for searching though directories for files and filtering them to build lists or run commands.

While I’m here I might as well show you my latest find command, I think it’s a beauty. :)

sudo find . \
  \( \( \( \! -user jj5 \) -or \( \! -group jj5 \) \) \
    -execdir chown jj5:jj5 '{}' \+ \) , \
  \( \( -type d \( \! -perm -u+rwx \) \) \
    -execdir chmod u+rwx '{}' \+ \) , \
  \( \( -type f \( \! -perm -u+rw \) \) \
    -execdir chmod u+rw '{}' \+ \)