PHP spl_autoload_register

Today I used spl_autoload_register again.

This time to load default concrete classes. For example in my framework I have a class called SlibUser:

class SlibUser extends SlibRecord {
  public static function Load( $id ) {
    $args = array( 'id' => $id );    
    $data = db()->get_row( 'select * from /*prefix*/user where id = :id', $args );
    if ( $data ) { return new User( $data ); }
    return null;

As you can see SlibUser creates a new User. That User can be provisioned by a user of my framework, but if they don’t specify a particular User definition I give them a default implementation with spl_autoload_register, e.g.:


function load_slib_mock( $class = false ) {

  //var_dump( $class );
  static $classes;
  static $files;
  if ( ! $files ) { $files = array(); }
  if ( ! $classes ) {
    $classes = array(
      // URL
      // framework:
      // database:
      // ORM:

  if ( ! in_array( $class, $classes ) ) { return false; }

  $path = "/var/tmp/slib-$class.php";

  if ( ! file_exists( $path ) ) {
    $content = "<?php class $class extends Slib$class {}";

    $file = fopen( $path, 'w' );

    if ( ! $file ) { throw new IOException( "Cannot write '$file'." ); }

    fwrite( $file, $content );

    fclose( $file );
  require_once( $path );
  return true;

// autoload handler:
spl_autoload_register( 'load_slib_mock', true, true );

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