Hope admin

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Revision as of 10:10, 26 July 2011 by John (talk | contribs)
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This page chronicles the administrative changes to hope.progclub.org. If you make an administrative change you should document the change here. Changes are logged he in reverse chronological order with a time-stamp in the form YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm. You can use the time from whatever timezone you are in, or UTC if you're cool, but use 24 hour time. Don't worry if the changes you make have a time-stamp that is less than a time-stamp later in the page, put the latest changes at the top. Put a link to your wiki user account before the time-stamp so we know who's doing what.

John 2011-07-25 19:41

The hope.progclub.org slice has has been created, and the host added to to the DNS zones, but apart from that it's not configured presently.