
From ProgClub
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Hi there, I'm John Elliot, and I founded ProgClub. I live in the Blue Mountains, in Australia. I'm the maintainer of John's Linux page, and a Director of Blackbrick. I have a personal web-site for jj5 and a web-page at ProgSoc. I'm the guy who did the Real Ultimate Programmer web-page, still number one on google for real ultimate programmer. I'm a Programmer Fashion Strategist, and I'm number one on google for that too. I blog at ProgClub and hang out on the other ProgClub forums. I've been involved in all of ProgClub's projects. You can contact me via email at, although you'll be lucky if I find your email amongst all the spam (hint: put 'ProgClub' anywhere in the subject-line and it will get routed to my ProgClub folder which I check regularly). If you really need to get in touch your best bet is my mobile: +61 4 3505 7839.

p.s. Terrorist bomb Obama assassinate Osama Pine Gap Echelon. If there's one thing I love, it's increasing the work-load of the CIA's analysts.