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According to the manual you can find a freedombox with e.g.:

$ nmap -p 80 --open -sV

According to the download page you can write a uSD image with e.g.:

$ xz -d freedombox.img.xz
$ sudo chown jj5:disk /dev/sde
$ dd bs=1M conv=fdatasync status=progress of=/dev/sde if=freedombox.img


My HDMI display doesn't turn on when I first boot

That's normal. Don't wait for your HDMI display to come online. Rather, try to access your FreedomBox via its web interface at http://freedombox.local/

My FreedomBox stable/testing image won't boot

If you've followed the instructions on the download page and you can't boot off your MicroSD card (and/or disk utilities like GPartEd report a missing/corrupt partition table) make sure you didn't dd/cat the compressed .img.xz file to the MicroSD device and that you first extracted the .img file before writing it to your device (e.g. /dev/sde).

My Pioneer FreedomBox won't boot

Check that your MicroSD card actually has a valid image on it. You can do this by pluging it into another system to examine its contents. If you have a blank MicroSD card that might be the problem!